AdBlock Browser for Chromecast
6 個評分

AdBlock Browser with Chromecast Support since 2012 - The leading Ad-Blocker Browser without any acceptable advertising system.Over 4 Millionen users can not be wrong. From a just-for-fun independent app to the leading AdBlock Browser app without any acceptable advertising system in the AppStore. Connect the app to your Chromecast or AirPlay and stream all videos from your favorite streaming site on your TV!The Ad-Blocker:- Blocks banner & pop-up ads- Blocks YouTube- & other video ads- Blocks layer ads- Blocks redirections to free AppStore apps - Blocks ringtone subscription traps App features:- Easy to operate;- Starts ad-blocker automatically;- Faster download of websites;- Blocked ads are counted;- Doesn't save login, key words for search or process;- Enables you to surf anonymously from iPhone, iPad or iPod touch;- Full screen mode;- Delete cache & cookies;- Allows you to save the desired website under Bookmarks;- Streaming-Player: Google Chromecast & AirPlay-Support;- Opens up to eight websites - scrollable tabs;- Restore open tabs;- Choose your own start page (klick "return" to save the start page);- App passcode protection;- New keyboard with .com & co;- Show or hide icons;- If you need: deactivate the ad-blocker;- Pretends that you surf from a PC (thus enabling you to see websites in original design instead of mobile design);- Allows you to adjust brightness without leaving the app.And all this without:- Any acceptable advertising system- Tracking or push messages.---------------------------------------CNET:"Ad-Blocker for iOS is a fantastic solution!"Appsfire:"Super! Woha mama! You´ve landed on an exellent app here. It´s definitely worth a download."---------------------------------------Like the app? Write a review!
2019-02-28 Here's what changed: - Stability improvements and minor bug fixes. Like the app? Write a review! 3.9
2019-02-14 Here's what changed: - Fixed a bug that delayed loading time when starting the app. Like the app? Write a review! 3.8
2019-02-06 Here's what changed: - Ecosia default search engine - Stability improvements and minor bug fixes. Like the app? Write a review! 3.7
2018-04-17 - free PRO-version for all! - performance improvements - bug fixes 3.6
2016-09-18 - Improvements for iOS 10 If you like my Adblock Browser and the amazing Chromecast feature - please support my work with and reate the app with a little review on the Appstore. 3.5
2016-06-11 - Adblock improvement Now the adblock should work like befor the ios 9.3 problems. Don´t forget to support the project - if you like my Adblock Browser please wrote a little 5 star app review in the Appstore. Thanks a lot 3.4.1
2016-05-14 After iOS 9.3 broke down all adblock browser we develop the adblock completely new. Some feature like the swipe gesture are not included in this version but the main feature (adblock and chromecast) is back. If you dont get the streaming notification on a streaming website or still some ads, please report us this website. And yes, we will bring back all missing features in the upcoming update. Stay tuned - Adblock Bug fix (iOS 9, iOS 8) - Chromecast Bug fix (iOS 9, iOS 8) 3.4
2016-05-01 ...and again: Adblock bug fixes 3.3
2016-04-30 With the release of iOS 9.3 all Adblock Browsers get problems or don't work anymore. Now here is our fix. FOR ALL CHROMECAST & APPLE TV USERs: please check out the FAQs - we have completely redesigned the casting feature! And if there are any ads or problems, report them inside the app. Thanks a lot to all of you for your great support and feedback 3.2.1
2016-04-08 - Fix for iOS 9.3 - Swipe gesture - loading bar - bug fixes - new filter core - 1Password support 3.2
2015-12-21 Finally the App. is back again! But first things first: thank you all so much for your overwhelming feedback on our last version! 1. Why this Update now? It was made due to a preliminary injunction against me and now ensures, that no infringement of this injunction can happen. 2. What has led to this development? It was triggered by Apple's move to introduce content blockers along with iOS 9, thus shifting the focus from advertising on websites to advertising in Apps. Since then there have been more than 400 ad blockers available in the AppStore. That is noticed by website owners whose business is based on placing as many tailored layer ads and blinking banners as possible around their content. Instead of revising its business techniques, analysing the new situation and going new ways, the company that reached the preliminary injunction against me just had the idea of going to court against all four German software developers of adblock-tools that are known to me (out of ca. 400 ones worldwide). 3. The reasoning of the decision of the court ruling has not been given to me in written form, so that it is still not fully clear, which exact basis it was founded on, what the detailed consequences would be and how this legal matter might continue. That is why in this Update here the formal adaptions were generally put into practice referring exclusively to this court decision. In any case I will appeal against it. 4. Since so many questions and friendly support reached me, there is a place within the FAQs of this App., where everyone who wishes can support the project in this matter. Thanks to all of you... Additionally you can register there to inform yourself about further and especially new projects of mine. I´m still looking for some beta testers. If you want to help me to test out the new apps, please check out the "Test user" in the FAQ-section. 5. What about the support question? In case the App. would be prohibited or completely vanish from the AppStore, the inapp purchase and along with this the activation of the brillant Chromecast function is no more possible. Those of you who have already installed the pro-version can go on using it, but cannot restore the purchase once the version was deleted from your device. 6. I have still got plenty of good ideas for projects and functions and do hope to put them into reality for you. That's why here is my wish: Stay with me, please do rate also this Update generously in the AppStore, although no new Features could be provided for you this time. All you users, have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 3.1.3
2015-10-19 Here we go again..ready for the next round? The eyeo GmbH - adblock plus - obviously can't cope with the fact that my adblock browser ranks way better in the AppStore Charts than their cookie-cutter- developments, inspite of their massive advertising and app purchases. It's quite clear that AdBlock plus has got a problem how to explain this to their well-paying-whitelist candidates. So they are going new ways now: nearly all negative user comments referring to their adblocker are quickly deleted, while they started a new campaign to kick my App. out of the Apple AppStore. This time my "try before you buy"-function is supposed to be the reason. They claim, my fair offer to you not to buy the pig in the poke but try before, was just there to trick you into giving good fake comments. Because I had pre-installed how you should evaluate. But they ignored that nobody HAD TO evaluate anything at all. So you see: much ado about nothing. Free pro-features for all until the end of the test phase - test everything for six days without limitations. I rely on your support - YOUR VOTE COUNTS. Don't settle for just quantity and dubious practices. Please rate this new update! Show what you think of innovation, quality and realness. True feedback is what I call for. I read and consider all your remarks and wouldn't dream of having them deleted. I can deal with them. Besides, to all of those who have not given up hope that I might be bought with varying amounts of money or tired out with their armada of cunning pretend-to-be lawyers (Simona? Who is Simona?) who throw obstacles in form of ridiculous accusations my way: Get a grip and for Pete's sake grow up! Here's a piece of advice from someone who has been on the mobile market since 2012: You'd rather invest all this energy into better products instead of trying to get rid of competitors with the help of foul play. Level up. Enough said. Benjamin 3.1.2
2015-09-25 - iOS 9.0.1 Fix - If you're enjoying my Ad-Blocker Browser, please rate it on the App Store!!!! - SAVE THE PROJECT ---- He folks. Maybe you were a bit surprised why you can´t find my app in #Apple #Appstore when you search for "ADBLOCK" or "ADBLOCK BROWSER". There is just one simple reason: the main competitor - eyeo gmbh - trademarked these both generic keywords as their brand. And this just to eliminate their competitors out of the game. Feel free to share this post with your friends and please use "AD BLOCKER" to search and find my app again. Thanks for your support! Benjamin #adblockplus #monkeybusiness 3.1.1
2015-09-22 If you're enjoying my Ad-Blocker Browser, please don't forget to leave a rating here on the App Store! It helps me immensely. - Ad-Blocker Live Filter Update - Chromecast Fix - iOS 9 Fix 3.1
2015-08-08 At First: Please, if you still use iOS7 update to iOS8. Maybe this will be one of the last updates that support iOS7. Whats new: - better Ad-Blocker - Google Chromecast & AirPlay-Support via the new Streaming-Player. Connect the app to you chromecast and stream all videos from your favorit streaming site on your TV !!!! - the "add to Bookmakrs"-Button is moved to the sharing area - now you can enable/disable the "Auto-Screen-Mode" in settings So go to your dealer store, buy an AppleTV or an Google Chromecast and start to stream. In order to avoid any confusion with comparable tradenames, I decided to change the name of my app into a purely descriptive one. Thus a clear destinction is secured and any possible infringement of copyright is excluded. 3.0
2015-03-18 - iPad Bug-Fix 2.22
2015-03-17 - In-App Purchase and Restore Bug Fix 2.21
2015-03-13 - Add/Open bookmarks back in main view - a lot of bookmark improvements - Bug fixes 2.2
2015-01-31 Yes, i can hear you: I will bring back the bookmarks to the main view with the next update. Then you need only one tap again to save or open bookmarks - stay tuned! Fixes: - to delete Bookmarks swipe them to the left - now you have sound again if you have activate your mute switch - and Background-Mode is back: now you can stream to your Apple TV and lock your iDevice again 2.001
2015-01-24 WHOOP WHOOP: Over 1 Millionen users can not be wrong. From a just-for-fun independent app to the leading AdBlock in AppStore. Unbelievable to see how something that started as a crackpot idea is now breaking the ceiling. Thank you all so much for your overwhelming support!!! - a lot of bug fixes and performance improvements - Optimized for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus - new user interface - no more crashes - full screen support - switch to automatic screen mode (press long the full screen button) - save open tabs - open links in new tab - folder for your bookmarks - rename bookmarks 2.0
2013-12-16 Wohaaaa over 500.000 user can not be wrong!!!! Thanks to all to help us to be the leading adblock in appstore! - Fixes for ios7 - Background sound - now the app also block thousands of analytic services 1.7
2013-04-18 v1.6 This Update only contains a major bug fix! All your ad-reports will be fixed with the upcoming update. Stay tuned for the next update with brand new features! Next Update ASAP! Sorry Benjamin v1.5 - Bug-Fixes - new scrollable tabs with title - delete cache & cookies - fix AdBlock-filter Thanks for all your support mails! New at the Pro-Version (In-App-Purchase) - app passcode protection - new keyboard with .com & co - app starts faster - no more In-App Pop-Ups 1.6
2013-02-24 - Bug-Fixes - new scrollable tabs with title - delete cache & cookies - fix AdBlock-filter Thanks for all your support mails! New at the Pro-Version (In-App-Purchase) - app passcode protection - new keyboard with .com & co - app starts faster - no more In-App Pop-Ups 1.5
2012-12-09 - blocked ads are counted additional highlights of the pro version (In-App Purchase): - opens up to eight websites at one go - you can choose your own start page (klick RETURN to save the start page) - blend icon on or off - if need be: deactivates adblocker - pretends that you surf from a PC (thus enabling you to see websites in original design instead of mobile design) - enables you to adjust brightness without leaving the app 1.4
2012-10-13 1.3
開發者Adblock Inc.並未向 Apple 提供其私隱慣例及資料處理方式的詳細資料。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策。
開發者下次提交 App 更新時須提供私隱詳細資料。
Trying it
It let me escape from the trouble of keeping me switching to iTunes App Store for annoying commercial when I am browsing a website
Works as advertised. Looking forward to future developments.
开发者:Adblock Inc.
大小:41.7 MB
适配: iPhone:須使用 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。 iPad:須使用 iPadOS 8.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch:須使用 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。 Mac:須使用 macOS 11.0 或以上版本及配備 Apple M1 或以上版本晶片的 Mac。 Apple Vision:須使用 visionOS 1.0 或以上版本。
版权:© appsolutsecure.de
内购: Upgrade to Pro-Version with TabBrowsing and all Features: HK$ 22.00 Upgrade to Pro-Version with TabBrowsing and all Features for iPad: HK$ 22.00

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6 個評分