4,217 個評分

TeamViewer可針對Windows、Mac及Linux系統提供方便、快速且安全的遠端存取。全世界已有超過200,000,000台電腦使用TeamViewer。本App的功能:- 可遠端控制電腦,宛如親臨現場。- 迅速支援您的客戶、同事或朋友- 存取您的辦公室電腦桌面,瀏覽所有文件並使用已安裝的應用程式- 遠端管理無人看管的電腦(如伺服器)功能:- 輕鬆使用防火牆和Proxy伺服器存取電腦- 直覺式觸控與控制手勢(支援Windows 8多點觸控)- 完整的鍵盤功能(包括特殊按鍵如Windows®、Ctrl+Alt+Del)- 雙向檔案傳輸- 多螢幕支援- 即時聲音與影像傳輸- 網路喚醒:遠端開啟您的電腦- 最高安全標準:256 Bit AES工作階段編碼,2048位元RSA金鑰交換- 更多功能…快速指南:1. 安裝App2. 安裝或用電腦連到我們網站開啟TeamViewer3. 輸入您的TeamViewer ID與密碼在應用程式中之 TeamViewer 訂閱購買將計入您的 iTunes 帳戶收費,且將在當下訂閱期限到期前 24 小時內自動續訂,除非自動續訂的功能為關閉狀態。您在購買後可前往您的 iTunes 帳戶設定進行相關設定。在訂閱有效期限內無法取消訂閱。隱私權政策:https://www.teamviewer.com/apps-privacy-policy 使用條款:https://www.teamviewer.com/eula/
2024-10-29 - Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.59.1
2024-09-24 - Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.58.1
2024-08-27 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.57.1
2024-06-25 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.55.1
2024-05-29 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.54.1
2024-04-16 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.53.1
2024-03-26 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.52.1
2024-02-29 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.51.1
2024-01-23 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.50.1
2023-12-19 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.49.1
2023-11-21 • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.48.1
2023-10-24 • There is now a feature which enables the user to view and share only network related log files. • There is now a banner in the settings menu that shows the user if the device does not have a network connection. • Fixed a bug which could cause the application to crash when activating a Remote Access license. 15.47.1
2023-10-13 • Preventative update of the libcurl dependency. • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.46.2
2023-10-12 • Fixed a crash when navigating to chat in split screen mode. • Fixed a bug, where the navigation bar was translucent on session comments. • Fixed a crash occurring when the application was only granting limited photo access. • Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.46.1
2023-08-24 * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.45.1
2023-08-15 * Fixed a crash that was occurring when connecting to an account that is signed in on multiple devices. * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.44.1
2023-06-23 * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.42.1
2023-04-26 * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.41.1
2023-03-22 * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.40.1
2023-02-21 * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.39.1
2023-01-24 * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.38.1
2022-12-15 * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.37.1
2022-11-22 * The app now loads the Computers & Contacts List faster. * Minor fixes and Improvements. 15.36.1
2022-10-25 * You can now add a trusted device more easily using your mobile phone. * The app now loads the Computers & Contacts List faster. * Added zoom gestures for mobile to mobile connections. 15.35.1
2022-09-27 * Fixed a bug that caused an unwanted refresh while browsing a Computers & Contacts List with a large number of entries. * Minor fixes and improvements. 15.34.1
開發者表明TeamViewer Germany GmbH的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策。
Surprising how they make it possible to useteam-viewer on mobile. The controls are a bit clunky but I wouldn’t be able to come up with a better solution so there’s that.
I have explained to this company again and again for personal use but they still asking me to buy their license as they “think”I’m using for commercial but without any reason given. I don’t even understand the mechanism of why suspecting me as a commercial user!! In case u need, I can record the video of what I’m doing but they never provide that channel of coz! What’s your defintion of your commercial!! I’m so disappointed to submit this ticket again and again! No matter how, I’ll look for another software to replace teamviewer as it is just a JOKE saying that free for personal use! You just force ppl to buy it ultimately!
要人俾錢就光明正大出聲講。宜家唔想影響自己公司聲譽,明屈客人係商業用途。解釋過,又無回覆。不如你地設試用期,試用期一過,叫人買囉!另外,定一個可接受價錢!PLEASE DON’T DOWNLOAD if you haven't yet download!If TeamViewer wants individual customer to pay for using its remote control, please say it to us frankly. Now, it is noted that TeamViewer just wants to maintain its reputation providing free app for remote control, but at the same time slander its customers using the app for commercial purpose. Is this the way TeamViewer treat your customers?Worse is that no reply and follow up after explaining to them. Guess TeamViewer only gives customers 2 choices: buy it or else uninstall. Why doesn’t TeamViewer provide trial period and offer reasonable price to individual customers?I don’t know why Apple still allows TeamViewer app on shelf taking into account that there are many complains against TeamViewer.
开发者:TeamViewer Germany GmbH
大小:113.7 MB
适配: iPhone:須使用 iOS 15.0 或以上版本。 iPad:須使用 iPadOS 15.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch:須使用 iOS 15.0 或以上版本。 Apple Vision:須使用 visionOS 1.0 或以上版本。
版权:© TeamViewer Germany GmbH
内购: Business Yearly Plan: HK$ 5,499.00

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4,217 個評分