81 個評分

即享 43% 折扣訂購 1 年 Premium 計劃 + 額外 3 個月服務,提升您的網絡安全!需要時,隨時自動填寫憑證和其他個人詳情。想像在數碼世界,你可以不用擔心忘記密碼,只需專注要完成的事情。NordPass® 密碼管理員能夠實現這夢想。使用主密碼、指紋或臉部 ID 存取密碼和密鑰,隨時隨地在無數裝置上管理和儲存密碼和密鑰,在瀏覽網頁時自動填寫個人詳細資料,無憂無慮地使用互聯網。NordPass 由全球領先的 VPN 服務 NordVPN 背後的網絡安全專家呈獻。NordPass 採用簡單、流暢、安全的網上體驗設計,結合先進的加密演算法與實用功能,讓密碼管理前所未有般輕鬆。NordPass 被 PCMag 選為簡單密碼管理的最佳工具,也是 TechRadar 在 2023 年選出的最佳密碼管理工具。使用 NordPass,您可以:- 安全儲存密碼無須牢記數百個密碼。無限制儲存所有登入憑證至 NordPass 加密密碼庫。- 儲存和管理密鑰使用密鑰加強安全。在 NordPass 密鑰夾中安全儲存、管理和分享您的密鑰。- 自動填寫密碼不需再手動輸入登入詳細資料, NordPass 會為您填寫。無論何時瀏覽網站或開啟 App,系統都會直接從密碼庫自動填寫您的用戶名稱和密碼。- 自動填寫信用卡資料盡情享受網上購物上。在 NordPass 加密密碼庫中安全儲存您的信用卡詳細資料,並在網上結賬時自動填寫。 - 產生高強度密碼需要複雜、獨特和安全的密碼來保護您的帳戶? 只需使用密碼產生器。自訂長度和字元,並立即儲存您喜愛的選項。 - 找出弱密碼在安全漏洞發生前領先一步。請使用密碼檢查工具,找出密碼庫中的所有弱密碼、舊密碼或重複使用的密碼,並輕鬆更新密碼。- 使用生物識別驗證在主密碼旁邊設定生物識別驗證,以便快速、輕鬆、安全地存取加密密碼庫。 - 檢查資料是否有外洩密碼、信用卡資料或其他資料外洩時,透過資料外洩掃描器收到即時警示。- 加入自訂欄位將身份證件和護照號碼等額外資料儲存在密碼庫的項目中。每當您需要使用時,便會自動填寫。- 查看密碼記錄想知道誰分享或更改了您的安全項目? 使用密碼記錄,您可以檢查更改並恢復舊密碼。- 在多部裝置上存取密碼無論您使用的是手提電腦、平板電腦或流動裝置,NordPass 加密密碼庫都能自動在無限數量的裝置上同步。- 安全分享密碼與其他 NordPass 使用者分享密碼,不必擔心敏感資料會落入不法分子手中。 - 整理資料將重要檔案附加到儲存的項目,以便輕鬆存取,並透過搜尋快速找到您需要的任何內容。- 設定緊急存取為最壞的情況做好準備。在緊急情況下,選擇值得信賴的家人或朋友,在沒有主密碼的情況下接收您的密碼和安全備註。- 為密碼庫增加額外保護設置多重要素驗證(MFA)、新增一次性密碼(OTP)產生器,或使用藍牙裝置或 USB 記憶棒,在密碼庫中加強密碼保護度。立即下載 NordPass,輕鬆管理個人資料。探索全球超過 330 萬用戶享有的安全性。如欲了解我們的服務條款,請瀏覽:https://nordpass.com/terms-of-service/如欲了解我們的私隱政策,請瀏覽:https://nordpass.com/privacy-policy如果您有任何疑問,請與我們的客戶支援團隊聯絡:support@nordpass.com
2024-12-10 We’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch – enjoy! 3.45
2024-11-25 No big announcements from us this time. However, we hope you’ll still enjoy an updated NordPass version with fewer bugs. 3.44.1
2024-11-18 As some websites (e.g. facebook.com and messenger.com) require you to use the same login credentials, you can now add multiple web addresses to a single password item for a smoother autofill experience. Faster account access and a tidier vault — sounds good to us. 3.44
2024-10-14 With NordPass Business, you can now autofill two-factor codes if your device supports iOS 18. All iOS 18 users can now autofill password items online by long-pressing on text fields. We’ve introduced a new way for you to ensure your vault is always up to date — simply swipe down on your list of items, and voilà. 3.43
2024-10-01 Passkey creation bug fix: We resolved an issue where your screen would go dark when attempting to create a passkey. Passkeys are now compatible with the latest iOS version. 3.42.1
2024-09-19 We’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch – enjoy! 3.42
2024-09-04 Our custom fields feature is now available on iOS, meaning you can securely store more login-related info than ever before and autofill it online! 3.41
2024-08-19 No big announcements from us this time. However, we hope you’ll still enjoy an updated NordPass version with fewer bugs. 3.40
2024-07-31 We’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch – enjoy! 3.39
2024-07-15 Building good things takes time. So since the last release, we've mainly focused on catching and eliminating pesky bugs. 3.38
2024-06-17 No big announcements from us this time. However, we hope you’ll still enjoy an updated NordPass version with fewer bugs. 3.36
2024-05-07 We’ve revamped our sharing permissions so that you can now enjoy more control over the access a friend, family member or colleague has to an item. More permission options + more flexibility = more peace of mind. Check out the changes in your vault today! 3.35
2024-04-10 No big announcements from us this time. However, we hope you’ll still enjoy an updated NordPass version with fewer bugs. 3.34
2024-03-14 Building good things takes time. So since the last release, we've mainly focused on catching and eliminating pesky bugs. 3.33.1
2024-03-05 Say hello to our brand new Premium tool — Email Masking! You can now protect your real email address from spam and online threats by creating unique email masks every time a website asks for your details. With full control over email forwarding included as well, this tool really puts you in the driving seat. 3.33
2024-02-21 No big announcements from us this time. However, we hope you’ll still enjoy an updated NordPass version with fewer bugs. 3.31.2
2024-01-04 “Spreek je Nederlands?” Because we now do! That’s right, you can now use our iOS app in Dutch — simply head over to your device settings to adjust your preferred language. 3.31.1
2023-12-18 We’ve introduced a new way of highlighting key actions you can take to make the most out of NordPass. Keep an eye out for an extra splash of color in the app! With NordPass Enterprise, you can now use Shared Folders to share multiple items with others in a faster, more organized way. 3.31
2023-10-24 We’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch – enjoy! 3.30.1
2023-10-16 Building good things takes time. So since the last release, we've mainly focused on catching and eliminating pesky bugs. 3.30
2023-09-27 Passkeys: Today’s the day — passkeys are now available on our iOS app! Passkeys allow you to securely log in to websites and apps without needing to enter a password. Go ahead and say hello to the future of authentication. Onboarding: We’ve refreshed the opening few screens of our app for first-time users so that the key benefits and features of NordPass are introduced from the get-go. 3.29.2
2023-09-20 Passkeys: Today’s the day — passkeys are now available on our iOS app! Passkeys allow you to securely log in to websites and apps without needing to enter a password. Go ahead and say hello to the future of authentication. Onboarding: We’ve refreshed the opening few screens of our app for first-time users so that the key benefits and features of NordPass are introduced from the get-go. 3.29.1
2023-09-18 Passkeys: Today’s the day — passkeys are now available on our iOS app! Passkeys allow you to securely log in to websites and apps without needing to enter a password. Go ahead and say hello to the future of authentication. Onboarding: We’ve refreshed the opening few screens of our app for first-time users so that the key benefits and features of NordPass are introduced from the get-go. 3.29
2023-08-23 Building good things takes time. So since the last release, we've mainly focused on catching and eliminating pesky bugs. 3.28
2023-07-31 We’ve waved bye-bye to some pesky bugs and have also spruced up the place a touch – enjoy! 3.27
開發者表明Nordvpn S.A.的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策。
Good, secure and user friendly in my iPhone previously BUT it cannot be used in my new iPhone 16. Still waiting for their solution.
Good. Easy to use. But slow response when save an entry.
I dont want it anymore as I expected, may I have a refund..
开发者:Nordvpn S.A.
大小:182 MB
适配: iPhone:須使用 iOS 15.0 或以上版本。 iPad:須使用 iPadOS 15.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch:須使用 iOS 15.0 或以上版本。
版权:© Tefincom S.A.
内购: 1-Month Plan: HK$ 38.00 1-Month Plan: HK$ 38.00 12-Month Plan: HK$ 283.00 Special Offer : HK$ 253.00 Special Offer: HK$ 279.00 1-Month Plan: HK$ 40.00 Special Offer: HK$ 278.00 12-Month Plan: HK$ 253.00 Summer Kick Off Sale: HK$ 278.00 12-Month Plan: HK$ 279.00

Proton Pass - Password Manager
4.8 ★ • 生產力

RoboForm Password Manager
4.8 ★ • 生產力

Dashlane Password Manager
4.8 ★ • 生產力

Keeper 密碼管理系統兼安全檔案儲存空間
4.8 ★ • 生產力

Proton Drive: Cloud Storage
4.8 ★ • 生產力

Proton Calendar: Secure Events
4.8 ★ • 生產力
81 個評分