84 個評分

Lockdown 會封鎖您所有應用程式中的追蹤器及惡意軟體,每個月為超過 30 萬人封鎖大約 1 億個追蹤器。— 全面性的保護 —Lockdown 具有兩種隱私功能:Firewall 及 Secure Tunnel VPN。每個功能皆能保護您免受不同威脅的攻擊,創造出可保護您的個人資料、瀏覽紀錄及敏感連結的完整解決方案。FIREWALL——封鎖隱藏的追蹤器:世界上首個在裝置上、開放來源的封鎖程式,可阻擋您所有應用程式中的廣告、追蹤器及惡意軟體。SECURE TUNNEL——讓您的資料和瀏覽保持隱密:此為無紀錄、超快速,且注重隱私的 VPN。唯一能證明自己的隱私權政策並完全受到稽查的 VPN。— FIREWALL 功能 —- 簡易、輕點一下就能受到保護,能為大多數的使用者對抗數千個追蹤器- 進階使用者可完全自訂的封鎖功能:能封鎖任何網域/服務- 不僅瀏覽器,也適用於所有應用程式- 每週皆會更新的有用預設封鎖清單-「在裝置上」進行封鎖,表示有別於其他封鎖應用程式,進行封鎖時並不會將您所有的資料傳送至第三方伺服器— SECURE TUNNEL 功能 —- 輕點一下便能隱藏您的地點及獨特的 IP 位址- 您使用公共 Wi-Fi 熱點和網站時,依舊安全無虞- 可防止窺探者及您的 ISP 或行動供應者進行窺探- 速度極快,服務全球超過 10 幾個區域— 可信任的透明度 —- 其他隱私應用程式對自己的隱私權政策並不老實,即使做出了承諾,依舊祕密地販售使用者的個人資料- 為解決此問題,公開營運的認證要求應用程式*證明*自己的隱私權政策- Lockdown 已由一份公開的 38 頁稽查報告公開營運認證,並已受安全專家稽查數次- 可在此連結檢視完整的開放稽查報告:https://openaudit.com/lockdownprivacy— 空前未有的隱私 —- 開放來源:由於防火牆可存取您進行的*任何事情*,因此您所使用的防火牆就必須為開放來源。Lockdown 100% 為開放來源。- 在裝置上:Lockdown Firewall 並無連結至任何伺服器。使用 Lockdown Firewall 時,並不會向第三方或我們的伺服器傳送您的瀏覽紀錄。— 媒體報導 —- 華盛頓郵報- 商業內幕- 富比士- 快公司- MacRumors- 9to5Mac- ZDNet- Cult of Mac- 蘋果觀察者- iCulture- iClarified- AppAdvice請追蹤我們的 Twitter:@lockdown_hq若有任何問題及評論,可傳送至 team@lockdownhq.comLockdown——https://lockdownprivacy.com隱私權政策——https://lockdownprivacy.com/privacy服務條款——https://lockdownprivacy.com/terms——訂閱 Lockdown Secure Tunnel VPN,就能透過 Lockdown VPN 服務獲得無限數據和加密。訂閱就能體驗一週免費試用,之後便會透過您的 iTunes 帳號收費。價格可能會因地點而異。除非您在目前的期間結束前至少 24 小時進行取消,否則訂閱將會自動續約。若使用者提前購買訂閱,若仍有剩餘未使用的免費試用期,將會失效。請在帳號設定中管理您的訂閱。
2024-12-17 修復已知問題並添加改進,以提供更好的體驗! 2.0.15
2024-11-28 修復已知問題並添加改進,以提供更好的體驗! 2.0.14
2024-08-24 令人興奮的消息! 我們最新的更新帶來了優化,旨在提升您的 VPN 使用體驗,使您的連接更加可靠和平滑。我們還解決了廣告屏蔽功能偶爾漏掉一些廣告的問題。 立即更新,以增強安全性並改善功能! 2.0.13
2024-05-20 Minor bug fixes and improvements 2.0.12
2024-03-03 Minor bug fixes and improvements 2.0.11
2024-02-12 Minor bug fixes and improvements 2.0.10
2024-02-01 Minor bug fixes and improvements. 2.0.9
2024-01-02 Minor bug fixes and improvements. 2.0.8
2023-07-26 Lockdown 2.0.6 has the following updates: UI improvement - screens are now scrollable when accessibility settings for zoom is enabled UX improvement - improved management of firewall and VPN from within phone settings Bug Fixes - fixed bug upon app open for some users experiencing a crash 2.0.6
2023-07-20 Lockdown 2.0.5 has the following updates: Performance improvement - updated connectivity checking logic for issue of users switching between wifi and cellular data Performance improvement - updated connection logic when adding configuration profile for first time Diagnostic file - added subscription level to diagnostic file for improved error checking 2.0.5
2023-07-03 Lockdown 2.0.4 has the following updates: Performance Improvement - updated connectivity checking logic for issue of users switching between wifi and cellular data Bug reporting - new in app form to assist with bug reporting Custom lists - fixed bugs related to editing domain lists and deleting specific domains Import lists - empty lists are no longer created when cancelling an import 2.0.4
2023-06-14 Lockdown 2.0.3 has the following updates: Blog Log - We have fix the delay in the block log updating Firewall Configuration - the loop for don’t allow configuration has been fixed Custom Domains - minor UI issues related to selection and movement of domains to new lists Please email us at team@lockdownhq.com with any issues! 2.0.3
2023-06-09 Lockdown 2.0.2 has the following updates: Curated Blocking: Updated UI grouping of free and premium block lists Custom Blocking: Updated logic of moving custom domains to custom lists What's new page: Updated the what's new page Home Page: Updated see plans button 2.0.2
2023-06-04 Lockdown 2.0.1 has the following fixes: VPN support for IPv6 that was causing issues on international cellular networks. The CTA at the top of each page is now dismissible. The import function has been updated to instruct users that the import file should be a .csv file with a column of domains to be added. The export file has been udpated to match the import file structure. Finally, a what's new page has been added to the account section to provide greater detail on changes in the app. We appreciate the feedback from our users who helped point out areas of improvement. 2.0.1
2023-05-25 We are excited to announce Lockdown 2.0 that brings you a more powerful firewall blocking engine. With a more efficient, encrypted, and efficient blocking engine we are able to bring you new features like importing and exporting block lists, creating custom groups from your added domains, and more advanced curated block lists. You can find app specific block lists like TikTok, iFunny, Junes Journey and more! Advance your protection immediately and take back control. Please reach out to team@lockdownhq.com with any questions and feedback. 2.0.0
2022-12-27 透明度對我們而言至關重要!我們正在更新上線流程,如此一來新的使用者就能在實際取得付費版本前,了解到產品的價值。此外,我們增加了幾個新的本地化版本。感謝各位持續支持我們和給予評論!若您有任何意見回饋,請不吝透過此電子郵件與我們分享:team@lockdownprivacy.com。 1.6.1
2022-12-16 Transparency is key for us and for you. We continue to strive for being the most powerful trusted and transparent mobile security application around. We are releasing updates for the following: - Updated onboarding for new users - Localizations in Arabic - Updated Shortcuts support Thank you for your continued support and comments! Do not hesitate to share your feedback with us via team@lockdownprivacy.com. 1.6.0
2022-12-07 Transparency is key for us! We are updating paywall triggers. Our app launch paywall trigger is changing from each app launch to once every three days. Thank you for your continued support and comments! Do not hesitate to share your feedback with us via team@lockdownprivacy.com. 1.5.1
2022-11-23 Transparency is key for us! So in this version we’ve added the ability to completely remove your account and all of the data that is associated with it. Thank you for your continued support and comments! Do not hesitate to share your feedback with us via team@lockdownprivacy.com. 1.5.0
2022-10-07 - Fixes a bug from the previous update that affected some existing users 1.4.1
2022-10-06 Who said there is no room for improvement? Your favourite VPN & Proxy app has just gotten better! In this version we’ve worked on some bug fixes and performance improvements. Also to help us continue making this app better, we are releasing our new firewall subscription. Thank you for your continued support and comments! Do not hesitate to share your feedback with us via team@lockdownprivacy.com. 1.4.0
2022-07-05 Updating deploy process 1.3.4
2022-02-24 *** NEW AUDIT - FEBRUARY 2022 *** Lockdown Privacy passed audits for the fourth time to confirm its security and privacy claims. Over 750 source code references were verified by independent engineers and experts. View the full OpenAudit report @ https://openaudit.com/lockdownprivacy 1.3.3
2022-01-10 Happy New Year! - BLOCKLISTS: Added new trackers to block - COMPATIBILITY: Updated whitelist to maintain compatibility with some services - BUGFIX: Whitelist should now be processed correctly when in conflict with blocklist 1.3.2
2022-01-03 - ENHANCEMENT: Now blocks more effectively, even under high load (optimized for iOS 15.2) - BLOCKLISTS: Removed redundant entries - COMPATIBILITY: Updated whitelist to maintain compatibility with some services - UI: Metrics larger than 1 million now show more significant digits 1.3.1
開發者表明Confirmed, Inc.的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策。
開發者不會從此 App 收集任何資料。
After the update or IOS, not able to open the app
Great app and enjoyed it, however with recent updates it blocked supercell’s games such as clash of clan and brawl stars which shouldn’t be happening. Also blocked Line app for communication which it shouldn’t too. Please help to fix thank you.
After updating, they started charging you an expensive subscription fee for the basic and originally free features
开发者:Confirmed, Inc.
大小:56.8 MB
适配: iPhone:須使用 iOS 14.0 或以上版本。 iPad:須使用 iPadOS 14.0 或以上版本。 iPod touch:須使用 iOS 14.0 或以上版本。 Apple Vision:須使用 visionOS 1.0 或以上版本。
版权:© Confirmed, Inc.
内购: One Month of Lockdown VPN: HK$ 68.00 One Year of Lockdown VPN: HK$ 468.00 One Month of Lockdown VPN Pro: HK$ 88.00 Lockdown iOS Firewall Monthly: HK$ 33.00 One Year of Lockdown VPN Pro: HK$ 788.00 One Week of Lockdown VPN Pro: HK$ 8.00 Lockdown iOS Firewall Annual: HK$ 233.00 One Year of Lockdown VPN Pro: HK$ 228.00 One Year of Lockdown VPN Pro: HK$ 228.00 One Year of Lockdown VPN Pro: HK$ 288.00

LetMeBe: Block Apps, IPs/Hosts
4.8 ★ • 生產力

SafeVPN-Easy ip changer
4.8 ★ • 生產力

VPN Pro – Fast & Secure Proxy
4.8 ★ • 生產力

Stardust VPN - VPN for iPhone
4.8 ★ • 生產力

4.8 ★ • 生產力

VPN Fast & Private by IvacyVPN
4.8 ★ • 生產力
84 個評分