661 個評分

免費 VPN 試用:全球無限互聯網唯一配備 OpenAI 支援的 GPT 4o 聊天機器人的 VPN全球 VPN/代理伺服器、4G ESIM - 您的整體安全解決方案FlowVPN:智慧且安全:唯一具有 AI 聊天機器人和全球 ESIM 資料服務的 VPN 服務。FlowVPN提供全球VPN、ESIM和AI Chatbot服務。連接您的所有裝置並獲得安全的瀏覽和串流媒體。像在家一樣瀏覽我們遍布 70 多個國家的安全伺服器網路。 FlowVPN 是適用於您所有裝置的全方位服務 VPN 提供者 - 不僅僅是一個應用程式。增加ESIM數據套餐,即可獲得60個國家的4G漫遊。使用 WireGuard、OpenVPN、IPSec 和 SSH VPN 確保安全 - 我們專有的 FlowVPN 技術FlowVPN特性:* 7 天免費試用* 無限VPN連接* 造訪 70 多個國家和 Tor* 4G數據服務支援60個國家* VPN繞過* IPV6支持* 24/7 支持* 快速、全面的互聯網訪問* 最多連接 10 台設備* 加密所有網路連接* 隱藏您的位置和IP* SureConnect - FlowVPN 可以在其他提供者無法連接的地方進行連接我們是一家全方位服務供應商,在我們的網站 FlowVPN.com 上取得支援並管理您的帳戶和設備在 FlowVPN,我們管理自己的網路和客戶端,我們不轉售我們的服務,並且完全控制我們自己的網路、基礎設施和軟體。我們有一個 24/7 支援團隊隨時準備協助解決任何問題。道德網絡 - 我們不會透過與第三方分享您的資料來獲利我們的使用條款位於:https://www.flowvpn.com/vpn-terms/我們的隱私權政策位於:https://www.flowvpn.com/vpn-terms/#privacy若要恢復購買或恢復帳戶,請前往“訂閱”標籤並選擇“恢復購買”此應用程式包括可選的自動續訂訂閱 - 它們不是強制性的,可以隨時在 https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT202039 取消您可以選擇購買不自動續訂的單一訂閱,或自動續訂的訂閱,以便您隨時受到保護。您隨時掌控自己的訂閱,並且可以隨時取消。預設情況下,訂閱將自動續訂。如果您希望購買單一訂閱,這樣就不會自動再次收費,只需觸摸訂閱下方的開關即可將其關閉。您需要支付的訂閱價格會顯示在應用程式中,並且會在您支付費用之前確認。訂閱 12 個月最有價值,但我們也提供更短的訂閱。確認購買後,付款將記入 iTunes 帳戶。如果您選擇,訂閱將自動續訂,除非在當前期間結束前至少 24 小時關閉自動續訂。您的帳戶將在當前期間結束前 24 小時內收取續訂費用,並確定續訂費用。訂閱可以由用戶管理,並且可以在購買後轉到用戶的帳戶設定來關閉自動續訂。有效訂閱期間不允許取消目前訂閱購買自動續訂 VPN 訂閱時,免費試用期或目前訂閱的任何未使用部分將被沒收。存取 VPN 服務須遵守我們的條款和條件,您將被要求在應用程式中查看並同意這些條款和條件。您可以隨時在 https://www.flowvpn.com/vpn-terms/ 查看它們可以在此處找到管理自動續訂訂閱的說明:https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT202039WireGuard 是 Jason A. Donenfeld 的註冊商標。 Flow VPN 並未獲得 Jason A. Donenfeld 的贊助或認可。 OpenVPN 是 OpenVPN Inc. 的註冊商標。
2024-11-26 將聊天機器人更新為 OpenAI GPT 4o 在美國、香港、新加坡、英國和台灣增加了額外的 VPN 容量 改進了對 IPv6 連接的支持 Flow VPN 從未如此快速! 42
2024-08-06 將聊天機器人更新為 OpenAI GPT 4o 在美國、香港、新加坡、英國和台灣增加了額外的 VPN 容量 改進了對 IPv6 連接的支持 Flow VPN 從未如此快速! 41
2024-06-07 將聊天機器人更新為 OpenAI GPT 4o 在美國、香港、新加坡、英國和台灣增加了額外的 VPN 容量 改進了對 IPv6 連接的支持 Flow VPN 從未如此快速! 40
2023-12-21 Fix OpenVPN connection issues 39
2023-12-19 Fix OpenVPN connection issues 38
2023-09-24 We've included access to our GPT chatbot FlowGPT powered by Open AI's Turbo GPT. All FlowVPN subscribers receive free access to FlowGPT throughout our beta period. 37
2023-09-21 We've included access to our GPT chatbot FlowGPT powered by Open AI's Turbo GPT. All FlowVPN subscribers receive free access to FlowGPT throughout our beta period. 36
2023-06-06 We've included access to our GPT chatbot FlowGPT powered by Open AI's Turbo GPT. All FlowVPN subscribers receive free access to FlowGPT throughout our beta period. 35
2022-11-24 We regularly update FlowVPN with new features and improvements to give you the most reliable connection. 34
2022-10-06 We've improved for iOS 16 and iOS 14 33
2022-10-03 We've added speed test to the server selection screen. Quickly connect to a server and test it's speed to find the best VPN server for your Internet connection. 32
2022-05-20 We've improved streaming capabilities and increased bandwidth across the network. 31
2022-04-21 We've improved streaming capabilities and increased bandwidth across the network. 30
2022-03-09 We regularly update FlowVPN to provide you with the best VPN experience. 29
2022-02-16 We've improved the reliability of Always On VPN sessions. 28
2021-09-30 We've resolved the app unexpectedly exiting on startup for some users. 27
2021-09-29 Introducing Flow ESIM - FlowVPN is the worlds first VPN service to offer ESIM! Add a global VPN and 4G data service to browse like home and secure all your apps and services. Add an ESIM to your iPhone or iPad to get access to mobile networks in 60 countries! In most locations Flow ESIM will roam across multiple networks intelligently finding the best reception at home and whilst travelling. In supported countries Flow ESIM can be configured to provide 4G data from a partner network when you have no reception from your main provider. 26
2021-09-10 Introducing FlowESIM - FlowVPN is the worlds first VPN service to offer ESIM! You own one a world leading mobile device, add a global VPN and data service to browse like home and secure all your apps and services. Add an ESIM to your iPhone or iPad to get access to mobile networks in 60 countries! In most locations Flow ESIM will roam across multiple networks intelligently finding the best reception at home and whilst travelling. 25
2021-05-09 該應用程序現已包含WireGuard VPN支持 VPN繞過和高級路由選項-按國家/地區選擇按鈕旁邊的設置圖標 24
2021-04-18 該應用程序現已包含WireGuard VPN支持 VPN繞過和高級路由選項-按國家/地區選擇按鈕旁邊的設置圖標 23
2021-04-08 日本香港和美國的新服務器 22
2021-03-24 Siri Shortcuts - Quickly secure your Internet with Flow VPN Dark Mode - Secure Internet has never looked this good Faster Connections - We've updated the connection routine to make Flow even faster Improved UI - As well as dark mode we've improved the server selection screens and main UI iPadOS optimisations - We've updated the UI to make ensure it scales when multitasking 21
2020-11-23 Siri Shortcuts - Quickly secure your Internet with Flow VPN Dark Mode - Secure Internet has never looked this good Faster Connections - We've updated the connection routine to make Flow even faster Improved UI - As well as dark mode we've improved the server selection screens and main UI iPadOS optimisations - We've updated the UI to make ensure it scales when multitasking 20
2020-10-22 Siri Shortcuts - Quickly secure your Internet with Flow VPN Dark Mode - Secure Internet has never looked this good Faster Connections - We've updated the connection routine to make Flow even faster Improved UI - As well as dark mode we've improved the server selection screens and main UI iPadOS optimisations - We've updated the UI to make ensure it scales when multitasking 19
2020-09-25 Siri Shortcuts - Quickly secure your Internet with Flow VPN Dark Mode - Secure Internet has never looked this good Faster Connections - We've updated the connection routine to make Flow even faster Improved UI - As well as dark mode we've improved the server selection screens and main UI iPadOS optimisations - We've updated the UI to make ensure it scales when multitasking 18
開發者表明Portable Ltd的私隱慣例或包括下列資料的處理。詳情請參閱開發者的私隱政策。
VPN Support
Emailed user support and all I keep getting as an auto generated email and now support to resolve linking the paid service to a new phone. Very disappointed
Just use 3 days now without any delay or problems
so good thanks alot
开发者:Portable Ltd
大小:129.7 MB
适配: iPhone:須使用 iOS 12.1 或以上版本。 iPad:須使用 iPadOS 12.1 或以上版本。 iPod touch:須使用 iOS 12.1 或以上版本。 Apple Vision:須使用 visionOS 1.0 或以上版本。
版权:© 2024 Portable Ltd
内购: VPN Subscription: HK$ 22.00 Private Internet - 1 Month VPN: HK$ 58.00 7 Day Subscription: HK$ 38.00 1 Month: HK$ 88.00 1 Year Unlimited VPN: HK$ 388.00 Unlimited VPN - 3 Months: HK$ 148.00 3 Month Subscription: HK$ 188.00 1 Year Subscription: HK$ 488.00 VPN Promotion: HK$ 353.00

StrongVPN — The Strongest VPN
4.8 ★ • 工具程式

Private & Secure VPN: TorGuard
4.8 ★ • 工具程式

b VPN:快速 VPN 隧道煙霧
4.8 ★ • 工具程式

iNinja – 快速和無限制的VPN
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661 個評分