出海增长干货 | WhatsApp营销活动创意,助力宠物品牌独立站推广




在这样的背景下,WhatsApp 营销正逐渐成为宠物品牌吸引目标受众的一种高效策略。这篇文章将探讨宠物行业品牌如何利用 WhatsApp 实现营销目标并提升销售额的具体方法。

 宠物品牌如何使用 WhatsApp 进行营销

尽管宠物品牌可以利用 WhatsApp 实现多样化的营销目标,但以下是一些我们强烈推荐的营销活动创意,值得尝试:

  1. 通过点击 WhatsApp 广告衡量兴趣和意图

首先,让消费者接触到 WhatsApp 并产生互动是关键。我们推荐的一种有效策略是 点击 WhatsApp 广告。通过社交媒体广告活动,吸引潜在买家在 WhatsApp 上联系您,获取更多产品信息或享受优惠。


例如,您可以通过 列表消息 增强问候消息的互动性和吸引力,如下所示:

Hey there!

Thank you for showing interest in our range of pet products. What would you like to explore with us today?

Health supplements

Pet accessories


Consultation with experts

PS. Don’t forget to take an opt-in from this consumer during the conversation for future marketing campaigns.

  1. 宣传当前和即将进行的促销活动

如果您希望为 Shopify 宠物商店中的某些产品或特定系列推出促销或折扣活动,可以充分利用 WhatsApp 的功能,将其转化为吸引力十足的推广工具!


Hey Sara,

There’s a special Barbie sale running in our store right now!

Everything pink – bowls, collars, bandanas, harnesses, bed and more are on 25% off for the next whole week.

Check out the collection today!

  1. 推广限时秒杀活动

您有每日特价产品吗?您是否推出 24 小时特价优惠来推广某项服务?借助 WhatsApp ,帮助消费者几乎立即发现这些优惠。您还可以设置后续活动,这样消费者就可以更轻松地了解更多信息。

Pet beds are 50% off for 24 hours!

Hey Ahmed,

We have a flash sale running in our store right now.

All sizes of pet beds are now available at 50% discount for 24 hours only.

Hurry, get your buddy a comfy bed today!

  1. 提供个性化购物帮助

虽然传统的营销方法通常是推广优惠、折扣或产品,但您也可以尝试开展 WhatsApp 触达,旨在引发对话。最好的方法是向消费者提供购物帮助,帮助他们找到适合家人的最佳宠物产品!

我们知道同时解决多个问题有多难。但为了支持这种类型的 WhatsApp 营销活动,您还可以使用 Meetbot 设置 WhatsApp 聊天机器人 – 它可以根据消费者输入的特定关键字回答消息。

Need help choosing the right pet food?

Hey Sara,

We know how important nutrition is for your pet to stay healthy.

So we wanted to help you pick the right set of products based on your pet’s information.

Would you like us to assist you with the purchase? Simply hit reply to this message and we will ask you some questions to recommend products.

  1. 提供宠物咨询服务


设置 WhatsApp 群发活动,推广宠物咨询服务,消费者可以及时咨询。使用回复按钮消息,您可以让消费者自动选择您的团队致电寻求帮助的日期和时间。

Hey Jane,

We know how much you love your furry friend. Let’s help you get the right set of healthcare products for them, shall we?

We’re offering a free pet consultation call with our in-house vets and experts.

Let us know if you’d like to schedule a call with us.

Yes, give me a call | No, I’d like to continue on messages

  1. 使用WhatsApp推送种草内容

购买宠物产品通常不是冲动行为。消费者希望在购买之前做好研究——从可供选择的产品到玩具等产品的制作过程。这时,通过WhatsApp 来宣传种草您的社媒、专家提示、幕后视频和其他内容会很有用。当消费者看到您如何专注于帮助他们做出正确的购买时,您作为宠物友好型品牌也会获得更多加分!

Learn what’s best for your pets!

Hey Sara,

We just wanted to share a few resources from international doctors and pet experts with you today.

After all, we know how important your cat is to you.

How to avoid stomach infections in cats

Should you or should you not make cats wear collars

What are the best health supplements for cats

Want to read more? Head over to our blog now.

Click here.


根据消费者购买或对宠物品牌系列产品的兴趣,使用 WhatsApp 跟进产品推荐。这可能包括向他们介绍类似或互补的产品,以进一步帮助他们为宠物提供最好的产品。

Hey Sophia,

You purchased a pet collar from us last week. We have something you would absolutely love!

We now have custom tags that you can add to your pet collars – available in 25+ colors.

And there’s a 25% discount on them for the next 48 hours.

Explore our collection now.

  1. 推送连带销售


如果消费者已将产品添加到购物车,请使用 WhatsApp 自动消息推荐目录中的另一件商品。将其与捆绑交易相结合,在提高平均订单价值方面,您就是赢家。

Item added to cart successfully!

We think that you should get these rainboots too.

They don’t just match the pet raincoat in your cart, but will also keep your baby’s paws safe from leeches.

Click here to add to cart.

  1. 接受预订

推出限量版系列?或者接受定制产品(如个性化标签、头巾和宠物夹克)的预订?使用 WhatsApp 群发对预订进行促销,并通过在消息平台上收集消费者兴趣使预订变得更加容易。

New Disney collection in our store!

Hey Devi,

We have an all-new special collection of collars coming your way.

Inspired by Disney, they are colorful, happy and are sure to cheer up your pet!

There are harnesses available as well.

Check out our WhatsApp catalog and place a preorder here now.


我们向宠物品牌极力推荐的另一项 WhatsApp 营销活动是投放以留存为重点的消息。这些活动包括根据现有客户从您这里购买的商品,以补货和补货提醒等情境化方式与他们联系。


It’s time to restock Skipper’s supplements!

Hey Vanhi,

We know how much you care about Skipper.

Let the health regimen keep going.

Restock his calcium supplements today and get 15% off on your next order.

Reply to this message to place an order.


不要将参与活动仅限于社交媒体。借助自动 WhatsApp 消息,您还可以在消息平台上举办竞赛。

例如,请您的客户在 WhatsApp 上与您分享一张他们使用您的某款产品拍摄的宠物照片。作为回馈,让他们有机会在下次购买时获得折扣,或者从您的WhatsApp 竞赛目录中免费获得他们喜欢的产品。

This is your chance to win a free pet bed!

Hey Jana,

We’re running a cute contest this week.

Share your pet’s picture with us on WhatsApp and stand a chance to win a free bed for them from our Mickey collection!


对于某些人来说,产品的价值或价格通常是放弃购物车或延迟购买的原因。通过向商店订阅 WhatsApp 的用户发送降价提醒来解决这个问题。

Price drop alert!

Hey Sara,

Get ready to shop till you drop for your pet!

Our store’s best sellers are now available at 20% price drops for the next one week.

Head over to our store to our catalog to grab your favorites.

 准备好使用 WhatsApp 营销来推广您的 Shopify 宠物品牌了吗?

随着消费者对购物便捷性的需求不断提高,品牌必须快速适应这一趋势。借助 WhatsApp 最新的商务功能,这款消息平台已不仅仅是沟通工具,更像是一个随手可得的购物店面,但要充分发挥 WhatsApp 的潜力,需要制定策略性的方法。

虽然许多品牌倾向于使用 WhatsApp 促销优惠和折扣,但我们建议采取更全面的营销策略。类似于电子邮件和短信营销的多样化应用,探索 WhatsApp 的不同功能并实施带有多种号召性用语的活动,有助于提升客户参与度,从而推动转化和销售增长。

然而,仅仅拥有一个 WhatsApp Business 个人账户还远远不够。要真正发挥其价值,您需要借助 WhatsApp Business API 和像 Meetbot 这样的解决方案。这些工具可以帮助您构建多个个性化的 WhatsApp 营销活动,并通过自动化工作流程维持与消费者的高效互动,确保沟通顺畅。
