距离《芭比》电影上映日期剩不到两周,首批对於《芭比》电影的社群媒体反应已经在网路上掀起热潮。《芭比》由葛莉塔洁薇执导,她与诺亚鲍姆巴赫共同编写剧本,预定於 7 月 20 日在台湾上映。
#Barbie was a deeply cathartic experience. It’s about industrialization of art/iconography forming sensibility instead of individualism, and Greta tells it with so much joy and heart. I was cackling at Gosling’s himbo Ken one scene and bawling my eyes out at the next. A classic
— ty (@DennisDuganFan) July 10, 2023
《Collider》影评 Perri Nemiroff:
I have seen #Barbie! The craftsmanship is incredible. In particular the costume & production design includes next-level work that heavily contributes to creating the feeling that these truly are Barbies, their dream houses, and their worlds come to life.
As for the story, that’s… pic.twitter.com/97r3sSodcw
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) July 10, 2023
《Screenrant》影评 Joseph Deckelmeier:
#Barbie caught me off guard & I mean that in the best way possible. It’s funny, bombastic, & very smart. Greta Gerwig aims for the fences & hits a home-run. Margot Robbie’s performance is great & @RyanGosling & @SimuLiu are pure entertainment! The whole cast is brilliant! pic.twitter.com/oXH965aUIF
— Joseph Deckelmeier (@joedeckelmeier) July 10, 2023
电影编辑 EzeBaum:
#Barbie is a triumph. A pitch-perfect script backed by great performances — particularly from Ryan Gosling — turns what could be a simple studio comedy into a sharp commentary on our society that makes its nuance palatable for those that may not take it at face value. GG is 3/3. pic.twitter.com/MIVRtkmtbd
— Eze (@EzeBaum) July 10, 2023
《芭比》的票房预估数字目前颇为惊人,首周末北美票房预估达到 7,000-8,000 万美元之间。如果这些初期好评能让热潮更盛,票房数字可能会更上一层楼。