《扞卫任务4》在首波评价中获得了许多赞赏,尤其是各种配角在电影中的表现,像是甄子丹、真田广之、马尔科扎瑞、史考特艾金斯以及泽山璃奈。首波评论中的另一个重点则聚焦到了这部续集的片长上,《扞卫任务4》片长 2 小时 49 分,将近 3 小时,比上一集多出了整整 38 分钟。
《洛杉矶时报》影评 Katie Walsh:
I really liked #JohnWick4! Amazing to remember that big franchise blockbusters can look like this (good). Dan Lausten, you have my heart, my sword, my whatever. Didn't feel too long, you can ignore the lore (who cares!!). There is one (1) thing that I hated (because it's dumb).
— Katie Walsh (@katiewalshstx) March 7, 2023
Collider 首席编辑 Steven Weintraub:
#JohnWickChapter4 is f*cking awesome. Literally had to pick my jaw off the ground from some of the insane and inventive set pieces.
You are not prepared for what Keanu does with the dragon's breath shotgun.
Also @DonnieYenCT brought his A game.
Can't wait to see it again. pic.twitter.com/gf6sm5Ijal
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) March 7, 2023
「《扞卫任务4》他 X 的棒极了。某些刺激的动作场面精采到我必须把下巴从地上捡起来,你完全无法为约翰如何使用那把龙息霰弹枪做好心理准备。此外,甄子丹也使出了浑身解数。等不及要再看一次了。
此外,这部电影有 2 小时 49 分,但体感没有那麽长。节奏真的棒极了,而本片也值得这种片长。如果要看的话,记得去看 IMAX 版。」
洛杉矶影评人协会成员兼《综艺报》编辑 Courtney Howard:
Brawny, bold & badass, #JohnWick4 brilliantly balances vested stakes with an absolutely spectacular, high octane thrill ride. A soaring, searing, scorching chapter in the saga. The wildest time you’ll have at the movies this year. A pure adrenaline rush. pic.twitter.com/eUmJRfnwJw
— Courtney Howard (@Lulamaybelle) March 6, 2023
CinemaBlend 网站影评 Eric Eisenberg:
I had reservations about John Wick: Chapter 4's nearly three hour runtime, but the movie earns it. It's an epic with smart pacing that never lets the action feel exhausting, and the set pieces are phenomenal. Great cast of series newcomers, but Donnie Yen is the MVP. #JohnWick4 pic.twitter.com/xyMbLXmXUM
— Eric Eisenberg (@eeisenberg) March 6, 2023
「我原本对《扞卫任务4》将近三小时的片长持保留态度,但这部电影确实证明了自己值得。这是一段有着高明节奏的史诗,绝不会让观众对动作场面感到疲劳,而那些场面都十分壮丽。许多新面孔都非常优秀,但甄子丹绝对是 MVP。」
Insider 网站编辑 Eammon Jacobs:
So, #JohnWickChapter4. The exhilarating action is perfectly executed, but the story was dumb – then again, we're all here to watch Keanu Reeves kick ass, and he does it so bloody well. Fans will love one riotous scene in particular. (Hint: Dragon's breath shotgun.) pic.twitter.com/YezAZ7stkl
— Eammon Jacobs (@EammonJacobs) March 6, 2023
Collider 编辑宋蕾蕾:
#JohnWick4 is an action-packed, bloody, kill-fest, and that's what makes it good! I normally don’t love so much action in my movies but Stahelski makes every frame count. Yes, it’s ridiculous. Yes, it’s video game logic. Yes, it’s extra as hell. Yes, I will be watching again! pic.twitter.com/D56ODsTTcq
— therese lacson • 宋蕾蕾 (@bamfpire) March 6, 2023
好莱坞影评人协会成员 Erick ??? Weber:
One of the greatest action movies ever made, #JohnWick4 tops all 3 of its predecessors in storytelling, scope & stakes, countless astonishing set pieces, hard to fathom it’s all contained within one film, Bill Skarsgård slays, a hellaciously thrilling franchise finish (?) 9.5/10 pic.twitter.com/2jDwXle21J
— Erick 𝕄𝕄𝕋 Weber 🎥 (@ErickWeber) March 6, 2023
扞卫任务4 John Wick: Chapter 4

「叶问」对决「杀神」!约翰维克(基努李维 饰)经历上集的事件後,继续与驱逐他的杀手组织「高桌会」展开对抗,随着悬赏金额的不断飙升,约翰维克将迎来他杀手生涯最强大的对手......