
《夺魂锯 X》首波评价解禁:系列史上最棒续集!揭露了拼图杀人魔前所未见的一面

《夺魂锯 X》首波评价解禁:系列史上最棒续集!揭露了拼图杀人魔前所未见的一面首图

《夺魂锯 X》的首波评价已经正式解禁,许多媒体都在社群平台上分享了他们对於这部最新续集的初步评论。本片由凯文格劳特执导,乔许史托柏格和彼得戈德芬格担任编剧,虽然是系列在 2021 年《死亡漩涡:夺魂锯新游戏》之後推出的第十部电影,但故事设定在《夺魂锯》以及《夺魂锯 2》之间,讲述了由托宾贝尔回归演出的「拼图杀人魔」约翰克拉莫针对一群来自墨西哥的医疗诈骗集团展开了一场血腥的复仇行动。

如今,《夺魂锯 X》已经在本周正式上映,社群媒体的首波评价也已经正式解禁。以目前来说,这部经典恐怖系列全新续集在媒体之间获得了不少好评,赞赏了《夺魂锯 X》的卡司、血腥陷阱以及对於约翰这位角色本身的探索。

以下为《夺魂锯 X》首波评价——

影评 YouTuber Patrick Burow:

#SawX is a glorious return to form for the series. Not only are the traps absolute perfection, but we get to see a very different side to John this time around. It’s deep, emotional, gory, it feels like OG SAW. Also, @CharlieClouser Score is INCREDIBLE! pic.twitter.com/Y3Pcarvn3C

— Patrick Burow (@BurowPatrick) September 27, 2023

「《夺魂锯 X》是系列的光荣回归。不只是让死亡陷阱达到了完美的程度,我们这次还能看到约翰不同的一面。这是一部深刻、充满情绪以及血腥的电影,令人感觉像是最初的《夺魂锯》风格。此外,查理克劳瑟的配乐实在是太赞了。」

The Direct 网站影评 Russ Milheim :

The Direct's @RussMilheim was able to see #SawX early, and as a lifelong fan of the franchise, he loved it:

"Jigsaw's latest sadistic game cuts to the bone, offering a hard-hitting story, some next-level death traps, and strong performances across the entire cast." pic.twitter.com/4TGzw0snHX

— The Direct (@TheDirect) September 27, 2023


烂番茄认证影评 Peter Gray:

Initially adhering to a different structure than we are used to, #SawX infuses a more human element as it dives into Kramer’s desperation. Fear not though as it eventually embraces the gory carnage we expect with some truly squirm-inducing tricks and traps that HURT. Bloody fun! pic.twitter.com/N7mhIboVa9

— Peter Gray (@ratedPDG) September 27, 2023

「开头采用了与观众们所习惯的截然不同的架构,《夺魂锯 X》对於克拉莫的阴谋带来了更具有人性的一面。但也不用担心,因为本片最终依然走向了你我所期待的血腥大屠杀,带来了一些令人寒毛直竖且痛到爆的机关与陷阱。见血的乐趣!」

#SawX is a twisted revenge story that once again shows how good Tobin Bell is as Jigsaw with a more character focused, dramatic first act.

Then it’s gore galore with some truly toe curling traps and enough blood and guts to satisfy long time Saw fans.

Jigsaw is back! pic.twitter.com/47WlTClR4y

— Nick’s Flicks Fix (@nicksflicksfix) September 27, 2023

Nick’s Flicks Fix:

「《夺魂锯 X》带来了一段曲折离奇的复仇故事,再次展现了托宾贝尔为拼图杀人魔带来的精湛演技,有着更加着重在角色本身,充满剧情的第一幕。接着带来一些血腥场面以及令人感到脚趾发麻的陷阱,血腥程度绝对能让《夺魂锯》系列老粉丝们满意。拼图杀人魔回来了!」

The Hollywood Handle:

THEY’RE SO BACK. #SawX is EASILY one of the best movies of the franchise. It’s gross, innovative and brilliant. It brings back the originality the first movies had. The cast is simply one of the best parts of it. Bring more please. pic.twitter.com/dxqVJdxGZz

— The Hollywood Handle (@HollywoodHandle) September 27, 2023

「他们真的回来了。《夺魂锯 X》绝对是系列史上最佳。非常恶心、充满创意和高明的设计。带回了系列首部电影的原创性。卡司演员绝对是最棒的一部份。拜托出更多!」

comicbook.com 网站影评 Chris Killian:

While I was at Universal today, the social embargo lifted so I can tell you now that #SawX is gruesome, hard-to-watch, and probably the best Saw sequel in about 15 years. It wedges perfectly between 1-2 and unveils a side of Jigsaw we haven’t seen before. Saw fans will enjoy it pic.twitter.com/546PnGaAgw

— Chris Killian (@chriskillian) September 27, 2023

「当我今天在逛环球影城时,社群媒体评价正式解禁了,所以我能告诉你《夺魂锯 X》相当可怕、难以直视,大概是《夺魂锯》系列 15 年来最棒的一部电影。完美地连接起了 1 和 2,并揭露了拼图杀人魔前所未见的一面。《夺魂锯》系列粉丝一定会爱死。」

富比世、综艺报、Indiewire 影评 Simon Thompson:

#SAWX is bound hands down one of the best in the franchise. Putting John Kramer centre stage more than ever works brilliantly and Tobin Bell slays. Amanda’s ‘return’ is executed brilliantly and the traps are amongst some of the best, even when quite simple, plus the story is 👍👍 pic.twitter.com/C7K0m0cfQT

— Simon Thompson (@ShowbizSimon) September 26, 2023


「《夺魂锯 X》毫无疑问绝对是系列最棒的续集之一。让约翰克拉莫成为故事的核心高明地达成了功效,而托宾贝尔实在是太杀了。亚曼达的『回归』也处理的十分高明,而陷阱也是系列中最棒的一批,即是快速又简单的几个也一样,再加上故事真的很棒。」


《夺魂锯 X》现正热映中。


